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Get user

GET /api/admin/user-admin/:id

Will return a single user by id


Path Parameters

  • id string required


  • id integer required

    The user id

  • isAPI boolean deprecated

    Deprecated in v5. Used internally to know which operations the user should be allowed to perform

  • name string nullable

    Name of the user

  • email string

    Email of the user

  • username string nullable

    A unique username for the user

  • imageUrl string

    URL used for the user profile image

  • inviteLink string

    If the user is actively inviting other users, this is the link that can be shared with other users

  • loginAttempts integer

    How many unsuccessful attempts at logging in has the user made

  • emailSent boolean

    Is the welcome email sent to the user or not

  • rootRole integer

    Which root role this user is assigned

  • seenAt date-time nullable

    The last time this user logged in

  • createdAt date-time

    The user was created at this time

  • accountType string

    A user is either an actual User or a Service Account

  • permissions string[]


  • scimId string nullable

    The SCIM ID of the user, only present if managed by SCIM
